May 29, 2012

,,,To George Will Calling Me A Bloviating Ignoramus With A Low IQ

Where the hell does that LOSER! George Will get off thinking he's the smartest guy in the room, anyway?  You know what we call people who wear bow ties and glasses and slick back their hair?  LOSERS!  He thinks he's so awesome because he wrote thirteen books on his own and won a Pulitzer Prize and is celebrated among my fellow conservatives, but he's still a LOSER!  He's only had two wives, for Christ's sake!  I've had four, and am looking for a fifth because that's what winners like me do!  And I've had seventeen books ghostwritten for me, because when you're the richest, most awesome man in the quantum multiverse you can afford to pay people to do stuff for you because that's what winners like me do!  One thing's for damned sure: he's never going to appear on The Celebrity Apprentice even though he has a regular job unlike all the winners that I bless with invitations to appear on it!

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