May 29, 2012

,,,To George Will Calling Me A Bloviating Ignoramus With A Low IQ

Where the hell does that LOSER! George Will get off thinking he's the smartest guy in the room, anyway?  You know what we call people who wear bow ties and glasses and slick back their hair?  LOSERS!  He thinks he's so awesome because he wrote thirteen books on his own and won a Pulitzer Prize and is celebrated among my fellow conservatives, but he's still a LOSER!  He's only had two wives, for Christ's sake!  I've had four, and am looking for a fifth because that's what winners like me do!  And I've had seventeen books ghostwritten for me, because when you're the richest, most awesome man in the quantum multiverse you can afford to pay people to do stuff for you because that's what winners like me do!  One thing's for damned sure: he's never going to appear on The Celebrity Apprentice even though he has a regular job unlike all the winners that I bless with invitations to appear on it!

May 23, 2012

...To Mitt Romney's Admission Of Secretly Enjoying Science Fiction

When I endorsed Mitt Romney for President, I thought I had recognized a fellow winner in him what with all the money he'd made by running companies into bankruptcy like I did with my casinos.  Now I see that he's just another LOSER! because only LOSERS! read science fiction!  And only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of LOSERS! says it's a guilty pleasure to do so!  Have you ever heard of any science fiction fan becoming a winner?  No, you haven't because they're all LOSERS!  Oh sure, Star Trek might have inspired most of the fun little gadgets we have today like iPads and Kindles and cellphones and both it and Star Wars have generated untold millions of dollars in revenue, but that doesn't mean George Lucas or Gene Roddenberry or anybody else who likes sci-fi are winners like me!  LOSERS! start companies where they actually know what their company does; winners like me start companies that make money, more money, and nothing but money!

And somebody tell Jeri Ryan that I'm in the market for a new wife after I get bored with the current one!  Gotta love those clingy Seven of Nine catsuits!

May 13, 2012

...To Time Magazine's Breastfeeding Cover Photo

You want to learn how to turn your son into a LOSER!?  You breastfeed him when he's old enough to get a glass out of the cabinet, a bottle of milk out of the refrigerator, and pour himself a drink!  Actually, only LOSERS! pour their own drinks; wealthy winners such as myself pay people to pour drinks for them!  But even bigger LOSERS! are still being breastfed, and only LOSERS! think it's okay to breastfeed kids for that long!  I wasn't breastfed; my mother used to flog me with a bicycle chain while my father wagged his genitals in my face if I so much as asked for a drink of water, and look how I turned out: the richest, most awesome man in the quantum multiverse!  That kid in the photo, on the other hand, is going to try and marry his own mother because she couldn't learn to just pump her breast milk into a glass for the kid to drink just so she could go out into the private sector and earn profit!

May 11, 2012

...To The Avengers' $207 Million Opening Weekend

If we ever needed more proof that Joss Whedon and Stan Lee are LOSERS!, this pathetic movie would be that proof.  First off, only $207,000,000?  Why is that take something to be celebrated?  I make that for every single episode of The Celebrity Apprentice, the greatest show that has ever aired or will ever air on TV!  I spent that on cufflinks alone last year because I'm so wealthy and awesome!  Call me when you LOSERS! want to start making real money!

And what the hell is the deal with Tony Stark, anyway?  Why would a rich guy like him be fighting people when he can pay someone to fight instead?  Hell, why not just pay off Loki and the Chitauri to go away and leave Earth alone like the LOSERS! that they are?  Why didn't he make that helicarrier his personal yacht, too?  I could build a helicarrier if I wanted to, turning it into a magnificent gold-plated luxury liner with champagne hot tubs and casinos and a hunting preserve, but that LOSER! Nick Fury wanted to use it to promote socialism and not let Manhattan be urban-renewed with that nuclear missile so I could snatch up the property at a low rate and turn the island into a magnificent playground for the ultra-rich winners I associate with?

And as for Maria Hill and Black Widow, they're LOSERS! because they won't even consider my offer of them becoming my next wives!  They think they're too good for me just because they could kick my ass without smudging their makeup or knocking their hair out of place, but I'd just pay a bunch of guys to kick their asses first!

May 01, 2012

...To Being Mocked By Obama At The White House Correspondents' Dinner

Where does that LOSER! get off making fun of me, anyway?  First it was that LOSER! Seth Meyers making fun of me last year, and now it's someone who think's he's better than me just because he's President of the United States?  I could be President if I wanted to, but that would mean having to live in government housing and taking a severe pay cut in the form of a government paycheck, all of which would be paid for out of my own pocket with taxation!  Who can live on $400,000 a year, anyway?  And an armored limousine, a helicopter, and a 747 to take me wherever I want to go?  I can get all of that on my own, even though it would result in my 95th declaration of bankruptcy, but I can easily recover from that with another bailout paid for with LOSERS!' life savings.

I got news for you, Obama: just because you took out Osama bin Laden like we Republicans refused to do, aided in the successful overthrow of Khadaffi like we Republicans also refused to participate in, and saw Whitey Bulger finally arrested doesn't mean you can make fun of us job creators!  And yes, butlers, maids, Swiss bank employees, courtesans, fixers, wigmakers, and mistresses are all legitimate jobs for the Ownership Society economy!