June 28, 2012

...To The Supreme Court Upholding Obamacare

It seems that the Supreme Court is full of anti-business LOSERS! who don't understand that the only people who have the right to exist in this nation of ours are businessmen such as myself and the businesses they own and run!  Let's remember that the Supreme Court is made up of a bunch of welfare queens who get to keep their jobs no matter what happens, so unlike those of us who work in the private sector and consequently have to actually do something to create wealth, they can just do whatever the hell they like and damn the price tag?  Don't those LOSERS! know how much of a drain it is on my bottom line to keep employees healthy?  Not only do I have to chip in for their health insurance, but the longer they live, the more money they expect me to pay them simply because they've stuck around for as long as they have!  If they die, I can just keep replacing them with new hires who'll work for whatever piddling pittance I offer them like the LOSERS! that they are because it's either that or become welfare queens like the LOSERS! of the Supreme Court!  I may have to consider getting back in the race for President so we can get rid of the Supreme Court once and for all!

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